May 2005

"Big Oil" Personified

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How does he keep his fur so shiny?

May 27th Film Releases

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The good thing about last week being over, is that I don't have to listen to a bunch of social outcasts b*tch and moan about how The Great Swollen One has ruined the trilogy that shaped their adolescence. Over. Done with. It still hit number one at the box office no matter how many people felt betrayed by a terrible script and poor acting, they came back for more. They always do. It's what I like to call Movie Masochism.
This is also why JLo movies continue to be a draw. People enjoy self-torture.

1) Saving Face
2) Madagascar
3) Bomb the System

Link Wray in LA!!!

Link Wray.jpg

Guitar legend Link Wray brings the "rumble" to Hollywood this Sunday, May 29th at the Henry Fonda Theatre. Still kicking it with gusto at age 76, this is a show not to miss!

3:30- Pal Joey
4:30-Jack and The Rippers
5:30- Lance Lipinsky (Jerry Lee Lewis Tribute)
6:25 The Deadutantes
7:15- Deadbolt
8:30-The Rezurex
9:30-Moonlight Cruisers
10:30-11pm Burlesque Show featuring Lucha Va Voom darlings Ming Dynatease, Kitten De Ville, Summer Peaches & Ursulina
11:15-Three Bad Jacks
12:15am- Link Wray

Henry Fonda Theatre
6126 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028
Doors at 3pm
DJ's 'til 2am
All Ages

Pre-Sale Tickets Available online at Groove Tickets

or at these locations:

Glory in Hollywood (323)666-8060
MC MC in L.A. Eagle Rock (323)258-2800
Spitfire Interiors in Uptown Whittier (562)945-8970
Kaos Records in Covina (626)967-7802

and now at Sugar Lee's-Big Eds Records in Long Beach(562)433-8601 for all you South Bay/OC folks!!!


May 18th Film Reviews - Two Paws Up

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Angus had surgery last week, so I rented movies for him to watch during his recovery. We rented Miss Congeniality, Shrek 2, and The Incredibles. I'm sure he would have wanted to watch Milo and Otis again, but I put my foot down.

Miss Congeniality - I watched Miss Congeniality while Angus was still in the kitty hospital. I knew he wouldn't like it because there was too much talking and the plot was dumb. Angus hates dumb plots. Two paws down for a thin plot and lame fashion. Plus, there were no animals in the movie. Angus likes movies with animals.

Shrek 2 - We both liked this one. Angus especially liked the cat character, Puss in Boots, as voiced by Antonio Banderas. He also liked that the cast was almost all animals, or "creatures." We both hated the fact that it was a musical and there was too much singing. Two paws down for lame musical numbers. But two paws up for the evil fairy godmother (I liked her hair). In all honesty, Angus was wearing a morphine patch while he watched this, so I think it put him to sleep, but he couldn't help it.

The Incredibles - We both loved this movie. Angus liked the action and really watched the screen while the movement was happening. I liked the plot and the aesthetic of the house and the island. We both loved the way the characters moved, and the character of E was really hilarious. Both of us thought the movie went on too long, though, as we both have a rather short attention span. I was doing crafts and Angus was working on something else too (I think he was licking his balls), but we kept one eye on the screen. By the end of the movie, we were both stretched out with our paws in the air.

Miss Congeniality - lots of lame pussy, but no cats
Shrek 2 - two paws up for visuals, voices; two paws down for musicals
The Incredibles - four paws up!

Electro Eclectic

Join us for an evening with Matt Dukes Jordan, Author of "Weirdo Deluxe - The Wide World of Pop Surrealism & Lowbrow Art" Booksigning and Art Exhibition with artists from the book, some new artists, Custom Hot Rods and more...

The Electro Ecelctic's Inaugural Show featuring the author, the art, and the artists of "Weirdo Deluxe". We will also be exhibiting art from other local and east coast artists (see below). On top of that, Brett Barris and others will be bringing their hot rods and custom creations to the show. Beverages courtesy of Guinness & Red Stripe Beers. Early arrival suggested, call to preorder copies.

Anthony Ausgang
Gary Baseman
Glenn Barr
Kalynn Campbell
Tim Biskup
Stacy Lande
Isabel Samaras
Owen Smith
Joe Soren
Gary Taxali
Skot Olsen

A stuART Gallery
May 21, 2005
Book Signing and Artist Reception 7pm-12am
17946 Ventura Blvd
Encino, CA 91316

May 13th Film Releases

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It is Friday the Thirteenth and I can't think of anything more frightful than another JLo movie. If it were my spawn hell bent on marrying that twat, I'd turn into a vindictive bitch too. This is totally justifiable. I don't know why the Jane Fonda character is coming off like the bad guy.

1) Layer Cake
2) Unleashed
3) Mad Hot Ballroom

Chris Bradley of the Distraction speaking to Mike Magrann from CH3For me it was the local band the Distraction. I first saw them in 2001 at the Doll Hut at Julie Wanda's insistence as Ed Stuart, then in the band, asked her to have / KUCI folk show up at the show. It was worth it.

Then Ed left the band. The Distraction got a new singer, put out a CD, "Calling All Radios", and played lots of great shows opening for CH3, The Briefs, The Stitches, et al.

Then sometime early 2004 the band got unreliable. They wouldn't show up for shows that they had booked and then by last summer they were no more. Rumors of the needle. Very sad.

I am now listening to "Calling All Radios" and mourning the loss of a band that could have gone on to great things.

Who do you miss?

[Photo by Jen Hanen : Chris Bradley of the Distraction speaking to Mike Magrann from CH3]

