July 02, 2006
Throw Rag at the Key Club - June 29, 2006
For those of you who were wondering if Throw Rag would be "any good" without Jacko, let me set your mind at ease. Throw Rag was in rare form last Thursday as they blew the roof off the Key Club with an impromptu show featuring The Cheatin' Kind, Lonesome Spurs, and Shaun Kama & the Kings of the Wild Frontier. In the Plush Lounge downstairs, Grease Demon's RJ cooked up a tasty brew with Hasil Valens y Los Muertones and The Irish Brothers between bands. My one regret was not taking more pictures for y'all.*
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First off, that gal from the Lonesome Spurs has a great wardrobe! Anyone who can wear that outfit gets my vote and then some. And her red Samsonite kick-drum? Two thumbs up from this gal! They call themselves the "White Stripes of Country" but Lynda Kay is way prettier than Meg and could probably kick her butt. Since she only uses one foot for her Samsonite kick-drum, she could kick Meg's ass with the other foot! I walked in about half way through their last song, so I'm not going to comment on the sonic similarities of the Lonesome Spurs and the White Stripes; I'll leave that for you to decide.
I also enjoyed Hasil Valens y Los Muertones. Ths up-and-coming band played just about every song they knew and then some they didn't, but what they lacked in repetoire, they more than made up for in energy. I enjoyed their hybrid rocka-psycho-Spanglish-billy.
The Irish Brothers were solid and professional, dashing off their set accompanied by their new green lights, which put everything in a sickly glow. I hear this band all the time and have to say that they are still one of the loudest bands ever in small spaces. Bring earplugs. A bemused Captain SeanDo stood quietly on the floor, taking in the band. He must have been taking notes, because he later asked Karl and his "man toe" to come up on stage and shimmy for the folks while Throw Rag played. Karl, already well lubricated, didn't need to be asked twice. Clearly, Hot Karl has a career as an exotic dancer in his future!
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Midway through the set, which consisted of a nice blend of "oldies" (Lady Boo, Only Drink on Days that End in Y, Three Way Cross) and newer songs, Captain Sean Do started taking off his clothes. I was able to capture most of that with my New Nokia 6061. For anyone that thinks there might be a sonic or visual "hole" left where Jacko stood, you, my friend, are flat out wrong. Throw Rag is delivering the high energy, high desert rock they have always delivered, straight from the Other Desert Cities to Hollywood, California.
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*First off, let me say that the batteries in my FinePix camera DIED at the Key Club, leaving me only with my cellular phone, a new Nokia 6061. I think Miss Jen would be pretty proud of the way these photos turned out (and this was before I figured out the Night Vision setting) and the fact that I actually figured out how to transfer them from the phone to the computer and then to this post. Suffice it to say that if I had MMS, I could have mopho blogged from the show!
Posted by DJWanda at 06:44 PM
June 06, 2006
Hank III @ The Roxy: June 2, 2006
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There were 200 too many people at the Hank III show at The Roxy Friday night (Thanks for the tickets Johnny Angel!). Who are all those freaks? And do they have to have a COCKTAIL waitress roaming through the crowd? Yes, they do. We had to move to the LEFT of the stage to avoid being trampled by Tall People, and then we were on JOE BUCK'S side of the stage. That's why all the pictures are of Joe Buck. Well, that, and he's like 10x more visually interesting than Hank III, who just stands there. Southbound finds Joe Buck scary. Very scary. And I can't say I blame her. He's always screamin things like "I'm gonna KILL you Muther Fuckers" or maybe it was "I'm gonna EAT you Muther Fuckers." I'm not sure. He was with Th' Legendary Shack Shakers for like, a minute, and the dumbest thing I did was not to buy us those "Joe Buck Yourself" ringers when I saw them in Seattle. But they were brown. And ringers. And they had his picture on them! Like I said, scary.
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These crazy drunk girls got on stage without tops. One had stars on her nipples, maybe they were stickers. We were on the JOE BUCK side of the stage, what can I say? The bouncers (if you could call them that) were slow about removing these women, which gave them time to shimmy around drunkenly. They were skinny and had saggy boobs, so even though my pictures are lame, you're not missing much, really. Then there was a fight. Hank III stopped the show. Then he invited this gal up on stage to sing with him. I'm guessing the temperature was about 120 in the Roxy, because it was about 97 outside. I felt like a kid who gets left in the car with the windows cracked. I mean, you're not supposed to do that, right? Plus, we were by the men's restroom, and that's a terrible place to be, unless you're a man who needs to go to the bathroom. When AssJack started, we left.
When we got outside, one of the drunk girls was outside (with her top on). The bouncer had thrown her out for getting up on stage maybe four times and staggering around with her bouncy nipples. She was wearing tight jeans and those suede boots that lace up the front. In high school, we would have called her a "hessian" but she had short hair. "You are NOT cool," she told the bouncer. She could barely stand up. She staggered off down the side walk. "NOT cool at all."
Posted by DJWanda at 11:04 PM
April 08, 2006
Irish Brothers at the Doll Hut, April 8, 2006
The Irish Brothers opened for the Flametrick Subs Friday night, April 8, at the Doll Hut. Dana was celebrating her birthday, so that meant everyone had to drink (a lot), which somehow led to the bizarre money dance. I think it was all that ass shakin', but don't quote me!
The Irish Brothers tried out their new green lights, which cast everything and everyone in an eery light.
For some reason, everyone had to get up and sing.
Posted by DJWanda at 11:06 PM
Flametrick Subs @ The Doll Hut, April 8, 2006
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Austin's own Flametrick Subs were on hand Friday night at the Doll Hut, along with a squad of Satan's Cheerleaders. The night was hot, the beer was cold, and the music sizzled!
Posted by DJWanda at 10:36 PM