Ms. Jen:
I tweeted this evening that I wanted a 'Good Boy' version of Robin Thicke, T.I., & Pharrell's 'Blurred Lines' and my friend Ricky kindly replied with two videos: The Good Boy version and the Mature (Senior) version:
Both are #Awesome much better than the original - watch 'em.
08.13.13 - There has a been a few live Prince shows / songs / playing with others (3:29 of this vid) that have come up on YouTube recently that have re-reminded me what a great guitarist the man is. Love this video of Prince and 3rd Eye Girl at the Paradiso in Amsterdam.
Watch it.
Quote of the week discussing Mr. Hugo Chavez' death:
"Mr. Ahmadinejad declared a national day of mourning for Mr. Chávez and wrote in a condolence letter to Venezuela that Mr. Chávez would be resurrected with Jesus Christ and Imam Mahdi--Shiite Islam's prophesied redeemer--to save humanity and bring justice to the world."
- Wall Street Journal, "Iran Leader Lambasted For Tribute to Chavez," Farna Fassihi, March 8, 2013
Sun 02.17.13 - I keep hearing this song on KROQ and 98.7 and laughing at the lyrics about thrift store shopping, as it has been a passion of mine on and off for 30 years now. The last 15 of those years, I have preferred a good vintage boutique or friends who have curated a collection to scouring in a big thrift shop.
But I do my best to also feed back to the system and always take my once a year closet clean out to the Salvation Army, including some of my true vintage 1940s-60s clothes, so that kids like in the above video can have some fun to find.
Feed it, back people. Did deep in your closet and give it away to a good local thrift store so nice teens and 20somethings can have a unique piece to wear.
And the song by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis with Wanz is stupidly catchy, like I wake up singing it in the middle of the night catchy...
You don't have to have ever heard Azealia Bank's 212 or have seen the video for Miss Peppermint's 21/12 the Mayans! video to be hysterical. It does sum up so much of the best of the humor/worst of 2012...
Happy Holidays!
Lovely photo, where a pinhole camera is placed on a record and allowed to expose while the record plays.
Kevin, aka the Record Weirdo, has a great post on Albuquerque Rock City. In the piece, he mentions New Mexico's most famous band, The Fireballs, and a few of their hits including "Bulldog", of which, me being curious I needed to google it and found this YouTube song/video of rotating singles:
Fri 03.05.10 - I see the future and it is not just the invasion of Euro DJ Electro music but of the creative bohemian class for whom the word retire has no meaning. Rock on, DJ Mamy Rock! (via Metafilter)