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July 18, 2003
Hipster Bingo
From the nice folks over at Catbirdseat.org comes Hipster Bingo. You print out serveral copies, take the bingo copies to the next show, and play it with your friends. But what do you win? A faux trucker cap? What do you use as bingo chips? Beer caps? hmmmm....
Thanks to Wanda for sending the link around.
Posted by Ms. Jen at July 18, 2003 1:58 PM |
Paty Bingo.
Perhaps you can try that too.
Posted by: Bingo at August 12, 2003 11:31 PM
I enjoy browsing your website, It is easy to navigate and has a nice layout. I admire people who take the time, like yourself, to realize the special things in life, and that is giving of your time so others may have a happy heart ~ S ~.
have a great day
Take care
Posted by: Hi I'm Steve, Email me! at February 1, 2004 3:12 PM