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July 26, 2003
Governor Grisham???
According to two highly reliable sources Jack Grisham of TSOL filed the papers yesterday necessary to run for the Governor of California.
Go Jack Go! Take Gray Davis and Daniel Issa down!
Posted by Ms. Jen at July 26, 2003 2:16 PM |
Hell yes!! Hey, maybe they'll be a pit going during the inauguration ball. Slam a vote for Jack!
Posted by: brenda at July 31, 2003 6:43 AM
Some people have too much time on their hands.
Posted by: Mike Hunt at July 31, 2003 12:00 PM
Better Jack than Terminator...er...Arnold S. or the abysmal Gray Davis as the Governor of this state. Could Grisham do any worse than Davis has as far as our state's deficit is concerned;28 million dollars and ever rising? I doubt it! Check out his interview at MTV.com and get more information before you make the call on whether or not some people have "too much time on their hands."
Live your Life...ignore heroes...f**k the system...
Posted by: Dave Brandt at July 31, 2003 5:36 PM
This is serious, Jacks intelligent and well spoken, and is a real person unlike the career politicians out there.Instead of just saying f#$% the government he's trying to do somethiing about it. Register, vote, make a difference
Posted by: bill king at August 1, 2003 12:32 PM
I think everyone who is able to, should get out there and vote. We should help Jack and we should ALL get out their and do something about our sh**ty government instead of sitting on our asses whining and complaining. It's time for a change, all these years Jack has done sooo much for us, it's time we help him make a difference. It's time we make a difference.
Posted by: snow white tan at August 2, 2003 4:52 PM
Thank you for the support. Willing yes...qualified maybe
Posted by: Jack loyd Grisham at August 2, 2003 7:27 PM
i think Jack is doing a great thing not only for CA's dismal state, but for the punk rock community as well. this will get kids to actually register to vote and really try to make a difference. my vote's cast already...
Posted by: paige at August 4, 2003 6:33 PM
There are some very compelling reasons to vote for Arnold in this recall election. He led Proposition 49 last year which expanded afterschool programs for kids (over 1.2M children had the opportunity to take advantage of these programs and stay safe from the streets).
Posted by: Arnold for governor at August 29, 2003 6:19 PM