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July 28, 2003
Hootenanny 2003
The Barflies.net Hootenanny 2003 coverage is now up, featuring reviews by Bridget, Wanda, and Kevin, as well as photos by Cindy Luann!
Posted by Ms. Jen at July 28, 2003 2:56 PM |
Happy 2004 y'all! Here's my lowdown...I did attend last years Hootenanny 2003 fest at Cal State Fullerton. The only thing I have to say is that, !!!JUNIOR BROWN GOT SCREWED ROYAL!!! Shame, shame,shame on the idiots who were responsible for cutting his power out during his set! I was in utter shock! I was maybe 4 feet away from dead in front of Junior Brown...Did ANYONE other than myself see the look on his face??? He looked PRETTY pissed off y'all. I seriously DOUBT that this man, who is undeniably one hell of a geetar man, would EVER play at any future Hoot's to come. Y'all who know me well, know that I am a HUGE Junior Brown fan..this incident did not sit well with me and for many other fans as well. Quick notes: The tickets (too pricey), the beer (too pricey n weak,), the weather (waaay too damn hot!...and I'm a Dallas boy!) The venue location (Cal State Fullerton...No thanks!)Other than that...The Hoot 2003 was okay. Let's see what The 2004 Hoot may bring...if I go.
Posted by: The Hitman at January 21, 2004 1:41 AM