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August 6, 2003
Dogtown Fest Postponed
I am not sure why but the Dogtown Fest in Santa Monica this upcoming weekend has been cancelled - postponed until further notice.
This includes both the Skating events on Saturday and the big concert at the Santa Monica Civic on Sunday with the Adolescents, et al. From the Dogtown Fest website:
The Downtown in Dogtown Fest scheduled Aug 9 - 10, 2003 has been postponed until futher notice.
All pay pal customers will have their accounts credited with a refund. All Ticket Web customers will recieve refunds from Ticket Web. All DT shop patrons will recieve refunds from their respective shops.
The event will be retooled and rescheduled at a time in the near future with new promotion.
We regret any inconvienience this has caused anyone, and hope to see you all soon!
Keep Skating!
Posted by Ms. Jen at August 6, 2003 2:18 PM |