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September 29, 2003
Flametrick Subs This Weekend
The best band I saw at the Las Vegas Rockaround wasn't even at the Gold Coast - it was the two hour live set that The Flametrick Subs played at the Double Down Saloon BEFORE they went on for the Rockaround (at 3 a.m. no less!)
Don't miss their messed up antics Friday at the Doll Hut (with Devil Doll) or Saturday at the All Star Lanes Bowl-a-Rama with The Hyperions and The Irish Brothers.
The last time the Flametrick Subs played was at the Liquid Den in Huntington Beach to a crowd of about seven (me and all my friends). Don't let this happen again!
Posted by DJWanda at September 29, 2003 11:05 PM |
I second that opinion! I stayed for their 3am set at the Rockaround and was awwwwful glad I did! I had heard so many good things about them, and they were all true (and yet somehow never mananged to make it to any of their shows, my bad). They played a really entertaining set, full of energy & esp. impressive since they had just done the Double Down show. Yeehaw to Texas! xoxoxo
Posted by: Lucky at September 30, 2003 1:12 PM