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September 30, 2003
Black Flag Reviews
A couple of weeks ago, "Black Flag" tortured thousands of humans in the LA area over the course of three nights. Wanda and I were apart of that crowd at the Sunday night show.
The only really good thing to come out of these "shows" has been a few exceptionally funny reviews:
Chris Ziegler's review in the OC Weekly notes:
Flag founder Greg Ginn is a guitar genius, but this show demonstrated further talents: "Wow," said one Flag apologist, watching a wave of meatheads try and find a beat to mosh to. "Ginns like an idiot savantat pissing people off."
Tim Jamison's review in Razorcake notes:
After the Robo part they lose the bass player and drummer. Then they plug Dale back in and Dez continues to sing. This went on for nearly two hours. But hey, I could have been in St. Louis trying to kill time on a Friday night instead of being bummed out at a Black Flag show. Did I mention this was all for cats? Rock for cats? I will allow the obvious joke about why guys get into bands slide right by me.
Posted by Ms. Jen at September 30, 2003 8:49 PM |
I love cats. Seriously. But that show sucked.
Posted by: JuWanda at October 1, 2003 12:36 AM
yeah....almost as bad as the G.Ginn show a couple of weeks(?) prior. Why do we not learn from our mistakes?!?!? hah!
Posted by: Lucky at October 1, 2003 2:45 PM