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October 23, 2003
October 24th Film Releases
Movies coming out this week that are either:
a) Worth paying $10 to see in a theater, or
b) Worth illegally downloading off the net (I have no idea how, but I hear it can be done).
In order of preference:
1) Elephant
2) The Singing Detective
3) Kill Bill(its still out and its still amazing)
Let's see what the movie-making establishment has to offer this week for our discriminating pleasure:
Scary Movie 3
Yes, another parody. But, its written by Kevin Smith (for all you "Clerks" freaks out there like me) and directed by David Zucker (I am serious and don't call me Shirley). Possibly worth seeing on cable in a few months, but worth my $10, no.
Yes, another retard movie. I saw "Rainman" and "Forest Gump,” I’m through with the mentally challenged.
Beyond Borders
Angelina Jolie - Once married to a guy named Billy Bob. Don't waste your time.
In The Cut
Meg Ryan only makes a decent film when Tom Hanks is there to make it bearable. Tom ain't in this one, pick something else.
The Singing Detective
50's comedic noir. Can you even have comedic noir? The trailer looked interesting, and despite Mr. Downey Jr's chemical dependencies I actually like him as an actor. This could be worth seeing. Good for a romp, not exploring the depths of the human soul.
Gus Van Sandt won the Palm de Or in Cannes for this film. Its about a school shooting and is supposed to be very disturbing. No known actors involved. If you're going to see a movie this weekend, see this one. But I warn you - it’s not an upper.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at October 23, 2003 8:44 PM |
Of all of them, I'll probably go see the singing detective - I've seen some clips and it looks pretty damn funny
Posted by: lucky at October 27, 2003 7:18 PM