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November 6, 2003
November 7th Film Releases
Not too many releases this week, and I think we all know why. No one wants to compete with the final installment of the Matrix series. Not even yours truly. I'm not even going to do my usual three recommendations. Why bother? You're just going to go see Revolutions anyway. So go. See it. Experience it. Be let down by it (you know you will, nothing will ever top the first).
But for the sake of tradition, I will keep a stiff upper lip, and state the top three candidates for my $10:
1) Neo
2) Morpheus
3) Agent Smith
But remember, there are other movies out there. They're just not The One.
The Matrix Revolutions
Ted Logan is back for his final round until some director makes the tragic mistake of hiring him for another film. Have you seen this guy act? Its as painful as watching the bingo finals at the Senior Olympics.
Anyways, you can't avoid it and you know you want to see it, so go. Watch Neo attempt to save Zion from the machines and the entire universe from Agent Smith.
There goes my $10. Flushed down the drain of "I couldn't wait for it to come out on video."
Will Farrell plays Buddy, a human who was raised in the North Pole by Santa's elves and goes to New York to find his parents and teach people the meaning of Christmas.
The holidays must be fast approaching for the studios to throw this one at us. Let me check my calendar.... Wait a minute!!!! It’s not for another TWO MONTHS! Nothing good can come of the commercialization of religious holidays. Next thing you know you'll be hearing Christmas carols while shopping for your Halloween costume. The buck stops here people! No Christmas before Thanksgiving. I can only handle one holiday at a time.
Love Actually
If Neo wasn't making his last ditch effort to save Zion this weekend, this is where my $10 would go.
The people who brought you Three Weddings and a Funeral, Notting Hill, and Bridget Jones Diary present yet another romantic comedy. This movie intertwines 10 love stories into one with the intention of telling us that love is everywhere.
Now I know this may shock you - but I have a soft side. Romantic efforts turn me to mush, unless they're sappy. I can't stand sappy. It lacks intelligence.
I've always enjoyed the director's past efforts and I fully intend to enjoy this one as well. Someday. Probably on video. Alone. By myself.
Billabong Odyssey
(Yawn) Another surfing documentary. Go rent Endless Summer.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at November 6, 2003 8:15 PM |
I saw Elf this weekend ~with my parents~ (thankyouverymuch). I don't think there were any children in the theater at all..... but we were in the Gaslamp, which really isn't a kiddie sorta place, so that may have had something to do with it. Anyways, it was pretty funny, and I predict it will be in syndication on some network for many years to come, preferably around the holidays, although probably also showing in april and august, just for the hellovit.
Matrix 3 I probably will not see, didn't see 2 either. Saw 1 at the drive-in, that was good enough.
Posted by: lucky at November 10, 2003 3:59 PM
Also, is there a holiday theme to the Haunted Mansion as well, or is that just more bad holiday placement?
Posted by: lucky at November 10, 2003 4:00 PM
Matrix 3 was the worst. Elf was awesome. You can't go wrong with Will Farrell.
Posted by: homer jay at January 4, 2004 8:36 PM