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November 20, 2003
THIS IS AN INVASION! Well, sort of. This is the APRILFALLING invasion, soon to be a regular around these Barflies parts.. Be on the lookout for images/art/band.photography/collages/etc*infinity - anything and everything visually interesting and appealing..
here's a piece i thought i'd share for starters:
Also, if you have an idea/phrase/song.lyric/expression/image/etc. you want to use to try and influence my post, email me: aprilfalling@kuci.org . Are you up for the challenge?
<3 AXF
p.s. current music: Tears For Fears - "Mad World"
Posted by xx - aprilfalling - xx at November 20, 2003 5:09 PM |
omg, lookout blog, here she comes!
Posted by: lucky at November 21, 2003 11:49 AM
ps - lovely piece, purple is yummy!
Posted by: lucky at November 21, 2003 11:50 AM