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November 28, 2003
AXF: SHE Monster
she lives in sin
a heart so dim
the terror of every room she's in.
she graces the streets
dislikes those she meets
she freaks out everyone she greets
she's mean, she's been told
stone-faced and cold
you'd never know she's centuries old
she's not really a fright
a morbidly beautiful sight
she monster lives for the night
As always, if you have an idea/phrase/song.lyric/expression/image/etc. you want to use to try and influence my art and/or post, email me: aprilfalling@kuci.org . Are you up for the challenge?
<3 AXF
p.s. current music: Godless Wicked Creeps - "China Chick"
Posted by xx - aprilfalling - xx at November 28, 2003 5:14 PM |