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December 4, 2003
Fashion Goes Electric
Scheduled to hit the market before the end of the year, the No-Contact Jacket for Women is a joint effort of MIT industrial designer Adam Whiton and Yolita Nugent of Advanced Research Apparel. Delivering an 80,000 volt shock, the jacket is as fashionable as it is functional. The inital cost - around $1,000 - could cause some sticker shock, although mass-production would lower the cost significantly. I have carried a stun gun for several years and have often been irritated by it's bulkyness and un-ergonomic design (as a result of the larger charge - 250,000volts - it's about twice the size of most stun guns). Maybe I'll add this baby to my Christmas list this year... :-)
Posted by Lucky at December 4, 2003 12:06 PM |
You might want to think twice about using that in the rain...
Posted by: Sin City Jimi at December 7, 2003 12:57 AM