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February 12, 2004
February 13th Film Releases
Not only is it supposed to be the unluckiest day of the year, but it's also the day before Valentines Day (a particularly unlucky day for me). Since I will be left unromanced by the opposite sex this weekend, I can at least ensure that the happy couples of the world don't pick bad movies.
If there's anything worse than spending a Hallmark holiday alone, it's spending it with someone and being miserable.
1) Monsieur Ibrahim
2) The Code
3) 50 First Dates (a grudging third)
French, French, and more French. I guess when the American film industry can't get it's act together enough to bring out any good movies, the French have to pick up the slack. Thank God Halliburton wasn't involved or they would have never been allowed in the country for theatrical release.
Let's hear it for free trade!
50 First Dates
A relationship avoiding serial dating veterinarian falls for a girl with short-term memory problems. Where most men with this problem would throw in the towel after being beaten to a pulp by aforementioned love interest, this one is a glutton for punishment. Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler were magical in The Wedding Singer, but they had the power of the 80's behind them then. Can they bring it home without the fuel of New Wave pop? Boy George and I have our doubts.
A grief stricken widower roams the highways in search of the car that killed his wife. An action thriller with enough preposterous events to make me hurl. Not even Jesus can make me want to see this movie.
Monsieur Ibrahim
Omar Sharif stars as a Turkish deli owner in Paris who forms an unlikely friendship with a young Jewish boy during the 1960's. I don't know much beyond that, but it has received marvelous reviews and Sharif has aged gracefully since Doctor Zhivago and Funny Girl.
The Code
Another French film, only action packed. It's a familiar story - a man gets out of prison and tries to go straight, but only after he makes one last score. Sure you've heard that one before, but have you heard it in French? Oui or Non?
After the Life: Trilogy 3
And another French film. Remember the stupid prison escapee who returned home to hide? Well he's back. This time the story is told by the local chief of police whose wife is hiding the convict. Is that grounds for dismissal? It is certainly evidence of my not wanting to see it.
Robot Stories
A movie comprised of three science fiction stories about highly advanced robots interacting with the human world. It won 23 film festival awards, and which is one they choose to promote on it's website? The Special Jury Award for Emotional Truth from the Florida Film Festival. I didn't even know Florida had a film festival. This doesn't exactly inspire confidence.
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
This is a digitally remastered re-release of a classic 1964 French musical which stars Catherine Deneuve as young woman pregnant with her absent lover’s child (he’s away at war). A rich patron of her mother's umbrella shop asks for her hand in marriage and offers to raise the child as his own. I'm sure many clichés are sung and danced their way through, which is why I won't be seeing it.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at February 12, 2004 10:10 PM |
Hmmmm.....I wanna see the French movie where that chick marries her 18-month deceased boyfriend.
Oh wait a minute - that wasn't a movie......?!?!?! lol!
Will I be seeing you tomorrow nite?
Posted by: lucky at February 13, 2004 1:20 PM