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March 18, 2004
SXSW 2004 - Quote of the Day
"The grass may be greener on the other side, but it is just as hard to cut." - Little Richard
Wanda, Vicky Pepper, Alex and I are currently in the Little Richard opening keynote conversation at SXSW Music 2004.
Little Richard is 70 this year, while he has all the fire he ever did, but it is now tempered with rhyming wisdom.
"I was a country boy from the thickets. It was thick. "
"I've been around a long time, long enough to become a legend."
"People say, 'You can't bring God in.' But I do. I give God the glory. I don't care what religion you are, you got to have God."
"I am going to tell you, get your music together."
"Take time to sign your own checks, or you won't have nothing left to sign. I wish someone had told me that, when I woke up I had nothing left to sign."
"Rhythm and Blues had a baby called Rock'n'Roll."
"When I came up they did not play any black records on pop radio. I was the first played."
"That is exactly how it goes, so do it good, if you can't do it good, then don't do it at all."
"Music is the thing that will bring all of us together."
Dave Marsh, "Good Golly Miss Molly: Did having a ball mean what it means today?"
After much banter, Little Richard replied, "Having a ball now means sex, back then it meant a dancing, having a party."
Posted by Ms. Jen at March 18, 2004 8:58 AM |