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March 18, 2004
March 19th Film Releases
What's this? Only one bad movie? I think it's a record for quality in cinema. Enjoy it while it lasts and stop seeing that Jesus movie. Give mere mortals a chance.
1) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2) Taking Lives
3) Intermission
What's the next best thing to a new Cohen brothers’ movie? A movie written by Charlie Kaufman. That beautifully warped brain that gave us Being John Malkovich and Adaptation has blessed with Eternal Sunshine. Oh happy days!
Dawn of the Dead
"When there's no room in hell, the dead will walk the earth." What happened to heaven? Can't God loosen up a little of the qualifications for entrance? Mr. He-who-hasn't-sinned. Maybe then I wouldn't have to avoid this poor excuse for entertainment.
Taking Lives
The mystery villain in this movie kills people in order to assume their identity. Apparently he was never let in on the fact that all you need these days is a computer and a credit card number. Let's hear it for technological advancements and no messy dead bodies to dispose of!
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
After a rocky romance with Kate Winslet, Jim Carey decides to have all his memories of the relationship surgically erased. Charlie Kaufman must have borrowed some inspiration from Paycheck and made vast improvements because I am hearing nothing but good things about this movie.
Irish ruffians (not to be confused with soccer hooligans, these guys take part in crime for profit instead of athletic celebration) take the starring role in this comedy about mishaps in love and thievery.
My advice - take a pee break during Colin Farrell’s rendition of "I Fought the Law."
Bon Voyage
Believe it or not, I actually saw this one. It's a good time. Not great, just good.
A 1930's movie star sets her lover up for murder just before the Nazi invasion. Eventually the manipulated lover must choose between the glamorous vixen, a passionate young student, and the future of France. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at March 18, 2004 9:06 PM |