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March 25, 2004
March 26th Film Releases
I hope you're not busy this weekend, because you're going to the movies! Good (and bad) movies abound and we must participate in true American fashion with a display of fiscal democracy. Atlas shrugged and Ayn Rand shed a tear of pride.
1) Mayor of the Sunset Strip
2) Dogville
3) The Ladykillers
Surprise, surprise. A documentary made it to #1 on my list and I have to say that it is indeed a "must see."
Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
I was surprised there was a first, let alone a second.
The Ladykillers
It may be a remake, but it's a Coen brothers remake. Remember the magic they worked with Homer's The Odyssey? Lets just hope it wasn't their shark jumping film.
It has none of their usual cast (no Tutturo or Goodman), but it does have Tom Hanks and I am very interested in finding out how this mixes.
Jersey Girl
It's a Kevin Smith movie, but it's also the last gasp from what was formerly known as BenLo. Kevin Smith (good). BenLo (bad). Kevin Smith ($10). BenLo (no $10). I could go on like this for hours, but I'll just wait for it to come out on DVD.
Never Die Alone
Another rap star vehicle, only this time DMX stretches his minimal skills as an actor to portray an exiled drug dealer. There's so much lack of breadth here, it makes me feel asthmatic.
Dogville (limited release)
Mysterious Nicole Kidman is on the run from gangsters during the Great Depression. She finds safe haven in a small mountain town, but the residents make her pay dearly for her refuge.
A great cast and a solid director known for taking great risks and being very successful (Breaking the Waves, Dancer in the Dark). It’s not an upper.
Ned Kelly
Heath Ledger (major hottie) plays the patriarch of an Irish family sent to the Australian penal colony. After having enough of being persecuted by his English oppressors, he forms his own band of outlaws and takes over the island.
Too bad it didn't come out St. Patty's Day weekend, but it's still a close runner up for my $10.
Mayor of the Sunset Strip
Sex, drugs, and rock and roll in a documentary film about KROQ DJ Rodney Bingenheimer (sometimes known as the Freakish Little Gnome or just plain Creepy). It's a great film about an amazing and sad individual who never failed to pick out the next big thing in music.
Features interviews with Gwen Stefani, Chris Martin, Chris Carter, Kim Fowley (Caligula in leopard print)(evil), and BOWIE!!!!
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at March 25, 2004 9:45 PM |