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April 13, 2004
A Night at Pike's
Some people might say, "The night is young and so are we." At Pike's (near the corner of 4th and Cherry in Long Beach) you get some of this and some of that, and a whole lot more. Ms. Howdylicious Wanda from KUCI's Howdylicious radio show (88.9 fm)and DJ Dan from the Dynotones (who will have new and soon to be released CD) have ventured to the beach area recently with some good down home country music. Every Monday at Pike's you'll find a variety of people sitting around the bar eating everything from mahi tacos to veggie burgers, drinking a brew, or hard lemonade, and listening to everything from Johnny Cash to Patsy Cline, and even some International tunes. I've been to the first two Monday night blast offs, and it's going well. Many friends and new acquaintances are coming by to pay homage to the dueling DJ duo. It's a fun time and what better way to spend a Monday night. Are you going to sit home and watch Jeopardy? Get out and meet some new people! Monday night we learned some lessons about life when Sgt. Al decided to share his wisdom. These are known as Al-isms, or the world according to Al.
1. Life's not fair and neither is Al.
2. I don't give a damn about the truth, tell me lies that make me feel good.
3. Mean and sneaky beats mean and tough every damn day of the week.
4. Wrapped around every silver lining is a dark ass cloud.
5. Bad things happen to good people all the time. I prefer to be the bad thing, rather than the good person.
So, friends with that in mind, get on out to Pike's on Monday nights and come say Hello! You won't be sorry you did!!!
Remember, 8-Midnight, and have a Bud Light...
Rev Sin
Posted by CindyLu at April 13, 2004 10:27 PM |
Hi dolly! Glad to hear things are going well at the Pike. I will see you there again soon....hopefully Al will return, it has been too long, I miss his cranky ol' ass :-)
Posted by: lucky at April 14, 2004 11:02 AM
Wow! Your first post! Now if you learn to load photos, you will be truly dangerous! Welcome to the world of blogging!
Posted by: Wanda at April 14, 2004 1:22 PM
Don't worry, I'll figure it out and then look out! I always post pictures that are either tasteful, or I have permission if they are a bit sketchy. HA. A time and a place for everything.
Posted by: Cindy at April 14, 2004 6:49 PM