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April 22, 2004
April 23rd Film Releases
The pickings are slim this week, I had to reach into my archives for material. Well, last week's archives.
1) Man on Fire
2) 13 Going on 30
3) Kill Bill, Vol. 2 (came out last week, but I ran out of movies to recommend)
It's a kids' weekend. Creepy kid actors. Adults acting like kids. Movies for kids. When are children going to go out of fashion? Like legwarmers or flannel.
Man on Fire
Dakota Fanning is so cute you just want to rip her head off. I'm not alone, other people agree with me. One critic calls her the creepiest child star working today. I personally think she's bound to follow the dark path of Gary Coleman and find out exactly what Willis was talking about.
But is she enough to reduce shining magnitude that is Christopher Walken? Hmmm. She does get kidnapped, but is it soon enough into the movie to save it from certain disaster? It's risky. Good luck.
13 Going on 30
I think I'm going soft. For some reason I actually think this looks like it could be good. It's cute as hell. A definite chick flick (good luck dragging the boyfriend to this one, even with the hot babe from Alias).
Just think of it as the modern female version of Big. Even Hitler would have liked Big.
Clifford’s Really Big Movie
For child and parental eyes only.
This So-Called Disaster
A documentary about the production of a Sam Shepard play. I'd see it if I had trouble sleeping since a glass of warm milk is out. I'm lactose intolerant.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at April 22, 2004 9:52 PM |
The LA Times had an article today in the Calendar section suggesting that the "13 Going on 30" movie ought to have been the young ladies from the "Thirteen" movie.
Posted by: Ms. Jen at April 23, 2004 9:23 PM