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June 9, 2004
June 11th Film Releases
I'm back and ready for action. Sorry for my lack of postings for the past month, but I've been away, my computer was sick, and my dog ate my homework. You know how it goes.
But, in that time I've seen a lot of movies:
Super Size Me - Clowns are scary. Ronald McDonald is a clown. Ronald is the representative of McDonalds restaurants. Therefore, McDonalds is an instrument of Satan!
Besides that, it's a fantastic and funny look into why we're the fattest nation in the world.
Troy - Great battle scenes, but melodramatics are enough to make you hurl.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - The audience is almost as entertaining as the movie. Freaks will flock, but at least they know how to shut up during the film.
Top Three for the Week:
1) Napoleon Dynamite
2) Stepford Wives
3) Chronicles of Riddick
Chronicles of Riddick
An alien race is assimilating the inhabitants of human occupied worlds and leaving dead planets in its wake. Sound familiar? Yeah, I saw the Borg episodes of Star Trek Next Generation too.
It's just like the comic strip. It even lacks a plot.
Stepford Wives
The men of Stepford are replacing their strong willed, outspoken wives with subservient robotic clones.
You see, I'm not entirely against this concept. My master plan is to create a Camp Stepford for new husbands and errant boyfriends. Weeks of fresh air, healthy diet, exercise, shock therapy for failing to put the toilet seat down, vacuuming 101, make your own damn dinner starvation treatments, post-coital cuddling 403 ... I could go on for days.
Napoleon Dynamite
This is like Freaks and Geeks on steroids. An eccentric small town high school student is in denial of the fact that he is the ultimate nerd and embarks on an elaborate plan to make his best friend class president.
I laughed my ass off during the trailer; I just hope the film doesn't let me down.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at June 9, 2004 7:42 PM |
glad to have you back!!!!
Posted by: lucky at June 10, 2004 1:55 PM
Don't rag on my boy. Garfield back. He's p*ssed. And hungry.
Posted by: Heathcliff at June 11, 2004 11:54 AM
saw the stepford wives this weekend, very funny, a good lite laugh!
Posted by: lucky at June 14, 2004 10:33 AM