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June 24, 2004
June 25th Film Releases
If you are like my mother and have come to the preposterous conclusion that Bush can do no wrong and Michael Moore is just a big troublemaker, then Moore's latest documentary will be lost on you. My only prayer is that you are in the vast minority.
1) Fahrenheit 9/11
2) Facing Windows
3) The Notebook
Fahrenheit 9/11
Michael Moore is back and he is PISSED. If you care at all about what's going on in this country and the War on Personal Freedom, then you owe it to yourself to see this documentary.
Facing Windows
An aspiring pastry chef has elaborate extramarital fantasies about the bachelor who's apartment window faces her own. It has a good buzz on the festival circuit, and I never under estimate the overwhelming power of my sweet tooth.
The Notebook
She's uptown, he's downtown. They're madly in love, but from different worlds. She has a queen bitch of a mother who is determined to keep them apart. Will love prevail? Stay tuned to "As the Cliché is Recycled."
Two Brothers
Tiger siblings separated at birth are reunited by chance in India. They wreck havoc on the town and its residents are less than pleased, but their owners insist that the animals are simply misunderstood. Pardon me, but I don't think there is a real margin for error when dealing with man eating Bengal tigers. Just ask Roy.
White Chicks
Two black male FBI agents have to pose as Paris Hilton-esque debutantes. I'm sorry, but I just can't buy it. The only black man that can pass as a waifish white girl is Michael Jackson.
Kaena: The Prophecy
This is a French feature length digital cartoon about people from another planet who are enslaved by sap eating gods. (furrow brow, scratch head) Sap eating gods?
Could be good, but it could also suck.
The Intended
I'm still having trouble figuring out what this is about. A land surveyor and his fiancé are separated in Malaysia by an ivory trader. Your guess is as good as mine.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at June 24, 2004 9:37 PM |