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July 1, 2004
July 1st Film Releases
Happy 4th of July everyone! Some people know July 4th as the weekend of our nation's independence from Brittan. Studio executives understand that it is the weekend that will either make or break their biggest feature of the year. Vote with your heart and not with the masses.
1) The Clearing
2) De-Lovely
3) Spiderman 2
Spiderman 2
I will freely admit that during the romantic dénouement of the previous Spiderman film (you know, when MJ declared her love for PP while simultaneously figuring out that PP is SM) I laughed out loud and others joined me. I snickered and I was not alone.
Now there's a new entry and it is being hyped to death. I do not doubt that the fight scenes will be fantastic, but the more down to earth elements, like the love scenes and anything involving human-to-human interaction, will probably be unrealistic, and I will openly snicker once more.
Cole Porter (played by Kevin Kline) looks back on his life through the songs he wrote. On the plus side, there are performances by Elvis Costello and Diana Krall. On the down side, you have to grind your teeth as Alanis Morrisset and Robbie Williams try to do jazz. What kind of drugs was casting on?
Before Sunset
Can you fit a very long, drawn out relationship into one single day? Ethan Hawk and that piece of Eurotrash give it another shot. But why? Could you imagine that pitch? "I want to film two hours of just two talking in different locations around Paris." Translation: "I would like your production company to fund my vacation."
The Clearing
Robert Redford portrays a captain of industry that has been kidnapped by one of his employees and it’s up to his once cheated upon wife to raise the ransom and set him free. Good cast, good story. It has promise.
America's Heart and Soul
A two-hour documentary on what makes America great. Go us! We're the best! It's a giant affirmation in celluloid. Just what we need.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at July 1, 2004 9:23 PM |