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July 2, 2004
Boys Gone Wild
I was browsing cnn.com this morning and came across this headline under top stories Girls, step aside: It's 'Guys Gone Wild' I quickly clicked on it thinking someone caught word of Ms. Jen and her escapades with her camera. Turns out it's a bunch of frat boys not punk rawk boys, but that's okay Jen will take care of covering our beloved boys.
Posted by at July 2, 2004 8:22 AM |
Ha! Just say no to frat boys and boys who work out at the gym! Say yes to tatted punks & greasers! Ha!
I saw the same CNN article and realized that my photo essay has now been pre-empted by big money. Vlargh!
smiles, jen ;o)
Posted by: Ms. Jen at July 2, 2004 12:40 PM
I was driving in Costa Mesa yesterday and saw a boys high school swim team advertising their car wash by stading on the street corner wearing nothing but rather small cardboard boxes around their "parts", held up by suspenders! I would have snapped a pic, but I couldn't turn around in traffic!!!! eek!
Posted by: lucky at July 3, 2004 4:04 PM