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July 8, 2004
July 9th Film Releases
Will the miracles never cease? Once again a documentary has made it into my top 3, this time it's a long hard look at what's really running this country - corporations. As a yuppie, I have a slight twinge of fear as to the light this film will cast my people in. But, as a citizen who went through years of unemployment and is still feeling the aftershocks of the Enron scandal among others, I can't wait to see a documentary really stick it to corporate America.
1) Anchorman
2) The Corporation
3) I'd rather recommend the home video of my bat mitzva than whatever else is being released this weekend
King Arthur
Let me start by saying, Clive Owen is hot. Now I will continue by stating that the guy who directed The Replacement Killers and Tears of the Sun (both remembered as abominations) also directed this film (and he isn't exactly Gaelic either). I will end by saying, Clive Owen is hot (but you can see him in I'll Sleep When I'm Dead).
Will Farrell plays a San Diego TV news anchorman who is desperately trying to keep television journalism an all boys club while Christina Applegate proves herself as the first female anchor. Sure, it looks stupid, but it also looks funny, and if it's funnier than it is stupid, then it could be a winner.
Sorry boys, these kids don't explore lesbian sex.
Riding Giants
A documentary about the history of surf culture. Dude, I am so not going.
Metallica: Some Kind of Monster
I've seen this and it sucked. After three hours of mind numbing complaining and nagging and fighting, I only saw this band do one cool thing. They immediately made their new bassist a full-fledged member of the band with an equal share of the profits. I think that was on day 3,957 of the documentary.
The Corporation (limited release)
A look at the rise of corporations in recent history and their effect on society. If you thought Michael Moore was mad in Fahrenheit 9/11, wait until you get a load of these guys. Surprisingly enough, you will hear a bunch of high profile CEOs speak very candidly about their tenure as leaders of business as we know it.
If you can find it, go see it. In LA, it's playing at the Nuart in Santa Monica.
PS: Clive Owen is hot.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at July 8, 2004 8:50 PM |