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July 19, 2004
This Little Piggy Went to...

The Orange County Fair opened Friday, July 9 at the OC Fairgrounds. This year's theme is "Jammin' at the Fair." I've already made the first of my yearly pilgrimages to see the baby animals. On July 15, this little fellow had just been born. There are also baby chicks, bunnies, goats, cows, and sheep. I like the pigs the best! As a vegetarian, it's hard for me to imagine anyone eating the entry that they worked so hard to raise, but I also recognize that this country was built on a largely agrarian society. You can see these little fellows before they become bacon through August 1 at the Fair.
Posted by DJWanda at July 19, 2004 12:48 AM |
OMG. What an adorable little thing. I remember being there one year right after a litter was born and it was amazing! Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Cindy at July 19, 2004 4:42 PM