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July 29, 2004
Authentic Sleeves?
File under "What the....?????":
Fates Finery is offering "Girls Bazaar" a line of "Authentic Sleeves".
Hmmph! Not quite sure if I should laugh and laugh and laugh or pass the link on to Mel Vicious as fodder for one of her rants...
Posted by Ms. Jen at July 29, 2004 3:14 PM |
We saw something similar in the "designer" section of Nordstrom - Saavy - they were sweaters with tattooed "sleeves" underneath for about $295 and up. Very pretty, fine gauge sweaters in a lovely cashmere. My mom loved them! Refused to believe it was "tattoo art" or influenced by tattoo flash. We got into an argument about it. The Girl Bazaar things look cheap and tacky.
Posted by: Wandalicious at July 30, 2004 11:56 PM