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September 15, 2004
Johnny Ramone passed away at 55
One of the founding members of the Ramones, Johnny Ramone, passed away today 09-15-04
I happend to listen to Indie 103 one night, during Joe Sib's set, and Johnny Ramone called to talk about the upcoming 30th anniversary of the Ramones show at the Avalon, which was this past Sunday.
I thought he didn't sound very good. I knew he was battling cancer but he just did not sound well.
I think he hung on to be apart and witness the 30th anniversary. Funny how life works that way.
I enjoyed when he was on Jonesy's show in the afternoon and how both, more Johnny then Jonesy, would tell their stories when punk rock was real. Very interesting and funny stories. I hope but I'm sure they taped those stories. A book would be great. The Ramones were and still are great.
Posted by Tinkinator at September 15, 2004 10:07 PM |