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September 16, 2004
Derby Dolls : Hellraiser II
The L.A. Derby Dolls roller derby gals are having a big fundraiser and party this Saturday (9/18/04) at their new digs in Chinatown.
WHAT: Hellraiser II, a carnival-themed fundraiser including: Dunk-a-Doll, Pie Eating Contest, Velcro Wall, Sumo Suit Wrestling, fun games, AMAZING prizes, DJs, and much, much more...
WHO: 21 and over ONLY!
WHEN: Saturday, September 18th
Doors open at 8 pm
WHERE: The Dollhouse
1460 Naud Street in Los Angeles
HOW MUCH: $10 before 10 pm
$15 after 10 pm (cash only)**
VIP: $25 VIP ticket includes admission to L.A. Derby Dolls roller derby match on the rooftop (10 - 11 pm), panoramic views and private bar
MUSICAL GUESTS: Los Mysterioso (at approx. 11 pm)
**please bring cash with you as there are no ATM machines
Alex's Bar is catering the event so make sure you say hey to Alex, Stacey, and Jenny. Alex's band Los Mysteriosos are playing, and I do believe the Ms. Fits and the Bolides will also be playing but I don't have a confirmation on this. I unfortunately will be holding down the fort in Long Beach.
Posted by Ms. Jen at September 16, 2004 2:14 PM |