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September 18, 2004
"Interpol Space"
Last night at Subliminal Projects on Wilshire, there was a promotion event announcing the upcoming release of Interpol's album, Antics. The release date is set for September 28, 2004. Shepard Fairy (Obey / Giant) did the posters and prints for the event. There were also ten short films commissioned by the band.
I thought the event was an interesting way to promote the new album. The art was really well done. The films were a little too abstract for my taste. The DJ was pretty good but I wish the floor space had been used as an actual dance floor. Hey, at least the reception had free drinks and the cutest little water bottles and mints.
If you get a chance, go check out the art. It will be up until October 1st.
Posted by ashleykiana at September 18, 2004 6:39 PM |