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September 30, 2004
October 1st Film Releases
Just when thought Paul Thomas Anderson, Spike Jones, Charlie Kauffman cornered the market on deranged comedy, David O. Russell throws his hat in the ring. One day, I'm sure, this will get completely played out.
1) I Heart Huckabees
2) Dig!
3) Woman Thou Art Loosed
(Shark Tale finishing a close fourth)
I Heart Huckabees
A young corporate drone or environmental activist (I've found conflicting reports on this) is at a crossroads and decides to enlist a pair of existential detectives to examine his life and tell him how he can make it spiritually better. The story also involves a yuppie, a spokes model, a fireman, a valet, and a Wal-Mart/Target-like super store.
In it's most essential form, it is simply over-your-head comedy. If you have a taste for the bizarre (like me) you may in fact enjoy this.
Ladder 49
A fireman about to die in a towering inferno takes the time to reflect on his life and the events that lead up to that moment. Most people would be too busy craping their pants for any kind of introspection, but whatever.
I'll take a wild guess and say his fellow firemen save him and he lives happily ever after. There, now you don't have to waste your $10 seeing it.
Shark Tale
The son of a shark mafia don is a determined pacifist and there fore enlists a fish who likes to take short cuts to help him fake his own death and bring the fish some ill-earned glory.
Good cast. Cliché story.
Going Up River: The Long War of John Kerry
A documentary about John Kerry's service during the war, his public denouncement of the Vietnam War after his tour of duty, and his career as a prosecutor and politician.
I'm guessing all those people who think Bush is a man of courage and conviction will not be seeing this movie, for fear of being faced with the real thing.
Woman Thou Art Loosed
A young woman battles poverty and drug addiction only to go nuts and start shooting randomly into a church audience. Is that considered a step up?
In the war of "Indier Than Thou" there are no fiercer rivals than the Dandy Warhols and the Brian Jamestown Massacre. Watch this documentary as they battle for the title of "Most Avant-Garde."
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at September 30, 2004 7:09 PM |