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October 8, 2004
Mondo Lounge in LA!
Saturday, October 16, 2004
11AM to 5PM:
Car Rally / Architecture Tour
Hollywood Heritage Museum
2100 North Highland Ave
Hollywood, CA
6PM to 12AM:
Party @ The Elysian Masonic Lodge
1900 North Vermont
Hollywood, CA
Olive or Twist?
film screening
Vista Theater
4473 Sunset Blvd
Hollywood, CA
Pre-party Friday October 15, 2004
Neon Cocktail Cruise bus tour
Benefit for the Museum of Neon Art
Hosted by Lotta Living
Frolic Room
6245 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, CA
* Tiki and Exotica
* Car Culture
* Las Vegas Lounge
* Rat Pack and Swing Era Fun
* Space Age Bachelor Pad Living
* Everything you're already into in one place and time…
Posted by Lucky at October 8, 2004 11:01 PM |
purple orchid will be serving drink!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Tink at October 9, 2004 10:55 AM