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December 2, 2004
The 3 P's
The longer I live, the more stunned I am at the juvenile petty behavior that occasionally pops up in various folks who are old enough to hopefully know better.
The area of life that I see frequently petty, juvenile behavior that surprises me is the ultra insular psychobilly scene. Psychobilly is fun. It is good music. I like psychobilly. But as someone who would like to book the bands at a venue or write about them or .... I have come up against more silliness than any other underground scene. Odd, but true.
Today was a prime examble of the 3 P's - Petty Political Psychobillies. Yep, an international band that we booked at Alex's cancelled late this afternoon for very spurious reasons. As the day unfolded I spent much time on the phone trying to decipher what was up, at the end of the day I knew three things:
1) The Rezurex rock. Daniel and co. are men of their word and honor. Need way say more? Oh, yeah, they are hot and make good music, too. ;oD
2) Certain European bands would rather shoot themselves in the foot over some bizarre point of misguided honor against the promoter from the night before, who was not us, than just play music they love and make their long suffering fans happy. Odd but true.
3) When bands cancel for byzantine reasons late the day of the show, fans from the Moreno Valley and South Orange County who drive to Alex's are very unhappy. If you play music for a living, don't you live to make your fans happpy so that they can worship your little self some more????
Did I say that The Rezurex are lovely men who saved the evening?
Hey Tim, Sign the Rezurex. They rock and are men of their word.
Posted by Ms. Jen at December 2, 2004 2:44 AM |