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January 6, 2005
January 7th Film Releases
Happy New Year! You get no new movies. At least none worth your hard earned $10.
What's being released:
1) White Noise
2) Solitude
What you should actually go see:
1) Kinsey
2) Hotel Rawanda
3) In Good Company (I'm a sucker for these kinds of stories)
Well, at least it will be short.
White Noise
A horror story about the dead using eletronic devices to talk to the living. All this time I thought I just had a sucky mobile phone service, when it was really grandma trying to tell me not to call that guy who never calls me back (again). Thanks grandma! Next time send a letter.
Demeted siblings play games with eachother while manipulating an outside observer. A little too Norman Rockwell for me. Maybe grandma will like it.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at January 6, 2005 8:12 PM |