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March 17, 2005
March 18th Film Releases
Happy Irish Hangover Day!!! I can't think of any better reason to see a movie than "you never want to drink that much ever again" and "please can we avoid the bar today?" For me, that was last weekend as I'm sure anyone in the vicinity of Manhattan Beach will be glad to tell you all about it.
1) Melinda and Melinda
2) The Ring Two
3) Steamboy
The Ring Two
She let the dead get in. I hate it when that happens. Samara is back and all she wants is a little love, so she tries to take over the life of Naomi Watt's son. Creepy.
Could be good. They brought in the original Japanese director. Could be bad. It is a sequel.
Thing to get the most excited about: Sissy Spacek's return to the horror genre.
Ice Princess
Talk about creepy. Figure skaters without any normal teen angst. Buy the bootleg for your niece.
Melinda and Melinda
This looks like the most worthwhile film Woody Allen (incestuous pedophile and I don't care if she was adopted you sicko) has put out in a great while. It’s the story of one very screwed up woman trying to straighten out her life told two different ways simultaneously. From one perspective, it’s a comedy. From the other, it’s a drama.
This is the kind of originality I can get excited about.
An anime cartoon based on a fractured family of inventors in turn of the century London, when steam was the primary energy source.
No, it won't follow any scientific logic or historical fact, but who cares? Its anime with Oscar winning actors!
Milk and Honey
Umm. I haven't heard anything about this, have you? All I know is that it’s about the breakdown of a relationship over the span of one night in New York. I'll bet he just wasn’t that into her.
Posted by xx - Ms. Lauren - xx at March 17, 2005 8:22 PM |