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March 23, 2005
Open for Comments & Other Editorial Tid Bits
Hi to all the Barflies.net-ters!
Happy Spring to you all. Ms. Jen the Editor here. A few notes for you all:
1) Due to a lovely conjunction of anti-spam plugins for Movable Type (which runs this part of the website), I have been able to open Comments here and at the Photo Blog again. Big thanks to Jay Allen for MT-Blacklist! You will still need to put in your name and email or use TypeKey which ever way works best for you, but do comment away.
2) Our Message Board(s) have been hacked by some...(you fill in the expletives). We will be down for a bit, until I am able to research how to save the database and export it to a more secure installation.
3) SXSW 2005 was wonderful. So was Punk Rock Bowling. So was the Barflies.net 6th Anniversary party.. and So was... Anyone want to sponsor me for a day or two, so I can finish and post the photos without worry of penury?
Posted by Ms. Jen at March 23, 2005 1:19 PM |