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March 26, 2005
Darlin's SXSW Recap...by numbers
5 - Days spent in Austin for SXSW
33 - Bands seen
11 - Venues visted
1 - Miller Lites consumed
90 - Minutes spent standing in line to pick up my badge
1 - Times I decided to get a horseshoe tattoo on the side of my neck
1 - Times Wanda & Ms. Jen talked me out of getting said tattoo
46 - Degrees Fahrenheit when Doyle Lawson & Quicksilver performed OUTSIDE at Opal Divine's
4 - Lonestar beers consumed
1 - Ray Romano look-a-likes spotted at Guero's
250 - lbs. the driver had to haul around when Alex decided he wanted a pedicab ride
110 - Guestimated lbs. of pedicab driver who had to haul 250 lbs. of Alex
0 - Time spent at the Austin Music Awards since Wanda got banned
4 - Dollars required to withdraw money from the ATM
11 - Shiner Bocks consumed
1 - Times Turkish hackers with bad grammar sabotaged barflies.net
3 - Visits to Amy's Ice Cream
265 - Dollars spent on souvenirs
1 - Tequila shots consumed
2 - Servicepeople who hit on me while I was patronizing their establishments
632 - Number assigned to my minidisk recorder as an “official” SXSW Videographer/Photographer
3 - Cross-dressers spotted on Sixth Street
2 - Lip glosses included in the complimentary goodie bag from "Heidi's Night of Beauty"
3 - Margaritas consumed
355 - Days remaining until 2006 SXSW Music Festival
Posted by darlin at March 26, 2005 5:45 PM |