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March 16, 2005
SXSW Day 6 - Music! Elvis Costello
Wed. 03.16.905 - The day between SXSW Interactive and SXSW Music...
Sleep until 10:30am
11am - Hang out in 2nd floor lounge with The Brits, Dave Shea, Rob Weychert, and Jason Santa Maria until 1pm when they leave for airport.
1pm - 4pm - Lucky Laura and I go to the Whole Foods mothership new store. Completely overwhelming. Not so nice of an experience. Too many people, too confusing. It took Lucky and I two plus hours to negociate a grocery store...
7pm - Julie Wanda and Vicky Pepper arrived in the afternoon. We added Alex to the mix and we went off to Guero's for dinner. It was excellent.
9pm - Go with Wanda and Vicky to the Austin Convention Center to get Wanda's badge. Socialize with Maria from Arizona, Tantek from San Francisco, and others.
11pm - Wanda and Jen meet up with Alex at La Zona Rosa for Tift Merrit and Elvis Costello. Elvis was AMAZING. Good craft, good songs, great execution.
2am - Go back to hotel. Go to sleep.
5am - Wake up with a really bad tummy from dinner.
The Craziness Begins...
Posted by Ms. Jen at March 16, 2005 11:02 PM |