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July 3, 2005
It's Pandalicious Time!
Hello Everybody,
My name is Panda, and they call me Pandalicious after my good friend, Ms. Wanda, better known as Wandalicous. She's the voice behind that great radio show "Howdylicious" every Sunday night from 8-10 p.m 88.9, KUCI.org. My Mommy, Reverend Sin and I listen to her show all the time. I also have an annoucement to make. Ms. Wanda is the mommy of Angus McKitty, and he and I are going to get engaged. I must get permission from my Mommy, but as soon as I do, you'll all be invited to the wedding!!! It's nice to meet all of you out here at Barflies.net!
Posted by CindyLu at July 3, 2005 6:07 PM |
I think Panda is perdy.
Who doesn't love Glamour Shots For Your Pussy??
Posted by: ~Christina at July 4, 2005 11:45 AM