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July 11, 2005
RIP John Skipper
This is the second time I have had to say "goodbye" to someone after the fact - a tragic accident - takes them away. It's hard to say goodbye in public, on a blog. Two times is two times too many. RIP John Skipper.
Posted by DJWanda at July 11, 2005 12:20 PM |
Wanda, thank you for posting this message. Life is very short and precious. I have forever empathy for those who lose loved ones and my heart goes out to Skip's family and friends. Skip had many friends and though I didn't know him really well, I used to sit with him and Carla at the Doll Hut bar and we'd laugh at Jayne's bartending antics. That common shared laughter is what I will remember. Skip...may God bless and keep you always!
Posted by: Rev Sin at July 11, 2005 12:54 PM