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September 7, 2005
Is it Me Or...
Is Jack White starting to look a whole Hell of a lot like Michael Jackson? Check him on the cover of this month's Rolling Stone and tell me if he's not starting to look like he's getting whiter and his nose is thinner. The outfit is pure Oompa Loompa and the goatee is a little too Dave Navarro for his own good (another man that's starting to look like Prince Michael). Either that or he wants to look like Prince. Eeeewww. Trust me when I say the man is stone cold crazy waiting to happen. Meg, you dodged that bullet when you divorced your "brother." Say it with me, people: "Eeeewww."
Posted by DJWanda at September 7, 2005 10:42 PM |
I don't think Jack White has ever been very attractive. I saw the White Stripes play a SXSW afternoon party in 2001 (2003?) and remember thinking, "Wow, that guy needs a bath."