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September 11, 2005
This is an e-mail from a friend and former KUCI dj who has relocated to London. She sent this e-mail on July 10, 2005, just after the terrorist explosions in London. I meant to post this a long time ago... but somehow it got lost in my e-mail inbox. Now, after Katrina and on the anniversary of 9/11, the sentiment still seems right. Right that we would question the timing of the Universe - why we are here and others are not. I like the part about fumbling for change; it reminds me of something that I would do. Two seconds late, or early, and things change:
and so I still live in North London. I am blessed and I am ok.
where I am is far from the center.
but why?
A friend of mine missed one of the blasts by 2 minutes, 2 minutes.
an early morning coffee, or fumble for change
2 minutes worth of confusion, or speaking, or anything
and boom
and as a human race where are we, and how can we do this to one
how? and why?
well wishes
I hope all things in your life make you smile, even the things that irk
Life is a precious precious gift
Posted by DJWanda at September 11, 2005 1:43 PM |