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September 21, 2005
Ms. Jen's Going Away Parties!
Ms. Jen (me), the editor and webmistress of Barflies.net, leaves early next week for graduate school in Ireland! Wahoo!
In the meantime, I am having two rockin' going away parties at Alex's Bar:
Thurs. Sept. 22, 2005 - Ms. Jen's Punk Rock Going Away Party with Channel Three (CH3), The Kissfits, The Irish Brothers, The Ignorant - $7
Fri. Sept. 23, 2005 - Ms. Jen's Swing Going Away Party with Royal Crown Revue, Viernes 13, Atomic Men - $10
Come on down and say hello/googbye!
Alex's Bar
2913 E. Anaheim (next to Auto Zone)
Long Beach, CA 90804
Posted by Ms. Jen at September 21, 2005 8:28 AM |