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September 24, 2005
Grayson Capps @ On the Rocks Saturday Night
So, I'd hoped to have a proper article about my interview with Grayson Capps posted for today, but the reality is that it's not going to happen. Hopefully, I'll get around to that sometime very soon! However, I did want to give a little plug to his gig at the "On the Rocks," (which is just above the Roxy) in West Hollywood tonight, September 24. Grayson's a good guy - a resident of New Orleans who lost pretty much all of his material possessions in Hurricane Katrina, but who still has the most peaceful presence you could ever imagine (which doesn't mean he doesn't have plenty to say about the situation!). Go support this great musician and incredibly inspirational person.
Posted by darlin at September 24, 2005 4:49 AM |