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October 23, 2005
Notes from Dublin, Part I
Ms. Jen, Barflies.net editor here. You may or may not know, but on Sept. 27, 2005, I moved away from Southern California to Dublin, Ireland, for graduate school. I have now been in Dublin for over 3 weeks and I have a major observation to share with all the lovely readers of Barflies.net.
No matter how much of a drunk you think you are or your friend is, you are a sober Program Sponsor next to the average weekend drinker around Dublin. Yep, they know how to throw back a few pints or 20 of them around here. Want to know how I know?
No I am not out at 2 or 3am to see the action myself, I actually been having a lovely 3 plus week vacation from bars, pubs and music venues. I have been reading at home.
But I have been walking around town during the day and evening and just about every 50 feet or so, one has to avoid a large puddle of barf or shit. Not dog shit. Dogs are scarce in Dublin, the dogs I have seen are tiny small with tiny small poohs. The shit on the streets is Big. Big, Human, Boy Shit.
Yep, instead of using the toilet at the pub or bar or venue or waiting to get at home or evening having the courtesy to shit their own pants, they drop trow and do it on the sidewalk.
Watch were you walk around this town...
Posted by Ms. Jen at October 23, 2005 9:12 AM |
Okay, now barf is one thing because maybe there's a lot of bulemics in Ireland, but random poopage is quite another thing altogether. They should invest in those toilets that revolve on the street like in Paris. And did you ever think that you'd consider Paris to be an epicenter of hygiene? Mais non.
Posted by: DJWanda at October 24, 2005 10:24 PM