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May 3, 2006
KUCI Fund Drive 2006
In a former life, I lived and breathed for a little public radio station in the heart of Orange County, KUCI. Amongst all the homogenity of Irvine, this radio station was the only entity to have any sort of independence, a breath of fresh air amongst the staleness of the OC.
A buddy of mine from KUCI recently sent me an e-mail that I feel bad for not returning. I'm hoping to buy back his friendship by donating to KUCI's Fund Drive, as I know the station is even more important to him as it was (and still is!) to me. As a non-profit, KUCI depends upon the generosity of its listeners for its funding, and so that it can remain commercial-free.
Donating is easy - you can give KUCI a call at 949-824-5824 or check them out here. All donations are tax-deductible, but there are also some great premiums to say thank you for your donation. My check's in the mail, but I'm really just hoping Kevin will forgive me for being a slacker, and not returning his e-mail. Hey, whatever works, right?
Posted by darlin at May 3, 2006 9:33 AM |