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May 13, 2006
Jesse's Girl For A Day
You never know what you might find on Anaheim St. near the Port of Long Beach. Yes, it was a day of fun at West Coast Choppers, the home of chromed god, Jesse James. This doesn't look like a Monster Garage to me. It's a compound of cool old buildings with baroque cross chromed gates and a showroom full of cool choppers and a few rods.
Lots of memorbilia and Jesse this and that is a sure find. Yes, I'd say the dude from Long Beach done good, even winning himself Hollywood's sweetheart Sandra Bullock. If you've never seen West Coast Choppers it's worth your time to live on the wild side and take a tour. You might even spy the man himself riding around the lot. Oh, and don't forget to get a burger at Jesse's burger joint, Cisco's, up the street. It's small, clean, cute and has very good food. You'll see adorable pix of Jess'e prized pet, Cisco. Ruff, ruff!
Posted by CindyLu at May 13, 2006 10:25 PM |