July 2003 Archives

Jack from TSOL - Warped Tour 2000, Anaheim, CA

Jack Grisham for Governor, Part II:

MTV now has a story on Jack's run for Governor-ship of Calif:
T.S.O.L. Frontman Running For Governor Of California

"I can't afford heath insurance, so I figure if I'm governor, at least they have a good health insurance plan," Grisham joked. The charming singer made light of his first interview as a politician, but insisted his campaign is entirely serious.
"For years I was always, 'F--- the government. F--- the government. F--- the government.' I was always bitching and not doing a thing about it," he explained. "And the other day I said, 'Now I am.' I just got tired of seeing people hurt, that was the biggest thing. I got three sisters who are teachers, two brothers who are police officers, a bunch of friends who are labor workers, dock workers. I work with undocumented alien immigrants all the time and I got tired seeing what they go through and no one caring. And they put this new budget out and the first thing they slash is health care and the first thing they start screwing is the people."

Once again: Go Jack Go!
I would like affordable health insurance, too. Thank you very much.

p.s. We especially like Jack because he is not afraid to wear a skirt with no underwear while performing on stage.

Governor Grisham???

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According to two highly reliable sources Jack Grisham of TSOL filed the papers yesterday necessary to run for the Governor of California.

Go Jack Go! Take Gray Davis and Daniel Issa down!

According to theorists, as reported by CNN.com, Stonehenge is not an astronomical device for predicting solistices but a large 3-D earthworks rendering of female genitalia...

I do believe this is the work of under-sexed scientists. Someone please help these fellows out....

From CNN.com:

Stonehenge is a massive female fertility symbol, according to Canadian researchers who think they have finally solved the mystery of the ancient monument in southern England.
In the arrangement of the stones, the researchers say they have spotted the original design: female genitalia.

Thanks to Adam Curry (former MTV VJ now Blogger)for pointing this one out.

Siamese Twins

Two days ago, Siamese twins conjoined at the head underwent surgery to be separated and died as a result of complications during the lengthy operation. The world mourned, as the twins were supposedly a symbol of inspiration and endurance. Well, I have a theory: Those twins didn't even like each other. In fact, they couldn't stand each other. And the bossy one forced the other one into an operation that she knew would probably kill her. In fact, they were both willing to die, rather than be together, which tells you something.

All of this reminds me that most people naturally separate from their parents and siblings at some point, and the lucky among us manage to do so while remaining friends with the folks we started life with. The rest of us die little deaths, doomed to spend the rest of our lives working out the issues that were never worked out at home.

I've been thinking what a great made-for-tv movie this is all gonna make - set not in Iran, of course, since we don't really like the Middle East right now, but set in America. And who better to star as the twins than America's twin sweethearts, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen? The only question is, will they tell the truth, or some whitewashed version?

Read the stories: Siamese Twins Die
Twins Want Separation
Twins Father Claims Girls Were Duped

Bling Bling Goes Mainstream


The LA Times tells us that the phrase "bling bling" may soon be in the Oxford English Dictionary, the definitive tome (really a 20-volume set) that traces the evolution of the English language since 1150. While I'm all for the evolution of language and the inclusion of new words, and I found the article interesting in its search for the origin of the term (Tupac or B.G.?), I resent the quote from hiphopmusic.com's online forum, in which one fan complained that the Oxford English Dictionary would be co-opting "bling-bling" as "... yet another black colloquialism is blanched and neutered to make the white establishment seem 'more relevant, smarter and cooler.' " Wow. I didn't know that certain words BELONGED to certain races. Does that mean that any minute now, the English might revoke, say, all prepositions, so that Americans don't co-opt them in an attempt to seem "cooler"? If that's the case, I'd like to buy a vowel, Vanna.

Check the story: LA Times online

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