Hey there! Dig this:
This Sunday, October 30, Trash-o-matic Garbage A-go-go radio show is changing its name to Trash-o-matic MONSTER A-go-go!!!
Its gonna be a wild, rockin' Halloween party!!!!
Hear: Songs about creatures, mummies, vampires, zombies, ghosts,
skeletons, witches, haunted houses, monster parties and more!
Hear: A spooky Terror Tale from the Old Sea Hag!
Hear: An interview with the dirty old one man band Scott H. Biram!

Win: A pair of tickets to Suicide Girls Burlesque in L.A.!
All you've got to do is tune in to:
Trash-o-matic Monster A-go-go
Sunday Oct. 30th 10PM-Midnight
on KUCI 88.9FM in Irvine, CA
or LIVE ONLINE at www.kuci.org
Join Filthy Rotten (Hauntin') Wes for a perfect lead in to Halloween!!!
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